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Here you will find ideas and code straight from the Software Development Team at SportsEngine. Our focus is on building great software products for the world of youth and amateur sports. We are fortunate to be able to combine our love of sports with our passion for writing code.

The SportsEngine application originated in 2006 as a single Ruby on Rails 1.2 application. Today the SportsEngine Platform is composed of more than 20 applications built on Rails and Node.js, forming a service oriented architecture that is poised to scale for the future.

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Amazon Web Services

The AWS Auditor: Our Trick to Saving Money

03/28/2017, 10:30am CDT
By Emma Sax

How we save money through using AWS's Reserved Instances and our own AWS Auditor

How we save money through using AWS's Reserved Instances and our own AWS Auditor

Changing Data Centers - One Step at a Time

02/27/2015, 11:00am CST
By Luke Ludwig

How we moved from EC2 Classic to EC2 VPC.

How we moved from EC2 Classic to EC2 VPC.