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Here you will find ideas and code straight from the Software Development Team at SportsEngine. Our focus is on building great software products for the world of youth and amateur sports. We are fortunate to be able to combine our love of sports with our passion for writing code.

The SportsEngine application originated in 2006 as a single Ruby on Rails 1.2 application. Today the SportsEngine Platform is composed of more than 20 applications built on Rails and Node.js, forming a service oriented architecture that is poised to scale for the future.

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Resilience Engineering

Chaos Day Twin Cities

12/01/2017, 10:45am CST
By Andy Fleener

Check out my talk from Chaos Days Twin Cities, Game Days: Failing for Fun and Profit

Building a Learning Culture

08/02/2016, 12:30pm CDT
By Andy Fleener

A Learning Culture is the secret sauce of high velocity teams. It provides the mechanism for rapid iteration on everything.

So this post was inspired by my reflection on the 2016 DevOpsDays Minneapolis

I think my recurring theme for #devopsdays Mpls was that a learning culture is the secret sauce. Iterate on literally everything.

— Andy Fleener (@andyfleener) July 21, 2016