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Here you will find ideas and code straight from the Software Development Team at SportsEngine. Our focus is on building great software products for the world of youth and amateur sports. We are fortunate to be able to combine our love of sports with our passion for writing code.

The SportsEngine application originated in 2006 as a single Ruby on Rails 1.2 application. Today the SportsEngine Platform is composed of more than 20 applications built on Rails and Node.js, forming a service oriented architecture that is poised to scale for the future.

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Currently Selected Tag(s):

Zero to Continuous Delivery in Three Steps

12/06/2017, 3:45pm CST, By Luke Ludwig

The key challenges to starting Continuous Delivery are not technical, but instead are about how people work together when developing software.

Importing 50,000 users in a zero-downtime environment

03/15/2017, 2:30pm CDT, By AJ Stuyvenberg

How we swapped OAuth Providers without downtime.

Mitigate Risk by Optimizing the Development Workflow and Trusting Your Team

06/21/2016, 9:15am CDT, By Luke Ludwig

A look at the evolution of the Sport Ngin development daily workflow from a 5 person team to a 60 person team.

Hubstats: A New Way to Gather GitHub Statistics

08/21/2015, 2:47pm CDT, By Emma Sax

Why and how we made an open source RoR project to supplement and integrate with GitHub.

Changing Data Centers - One Step at a Time

02/27/2015, 11:00am CST, By Luke Ludwig

How we moved from EC2 Classic to EC2 VPC.

Selenium: to SaaS or not to SaaS

11/18/2014, 10:30am CST, By Aaron Humerickhouse

Sauce Labs? BrowserStack? Grid 2? Why am I making this decision?

Code Smaller

12/16/2013, 11:30am CST, By Luke Ludwig

Slice first, Test second, then code.